jueves, 9 de junio de 2011

iOS 5 - New Functionalities

As had been waiting for has come iOS 5. IOS is the operating system of our popular apple for mobile devices, as well as iPhone, iTouch or iPhone.
Has over 200 new enhancements and new features, among which we highlight the following

  • Improved notification system, if an application is running or playing a game, just a notification appears on the top of the screen, allowing the user to continue with your application and where required the top display a list of notifications.
  • Improved system tasks can be synchronized with Outlook, iCalendar and icloud. Besides that you can select the location point of them.
  • Twitter! For all the fans and users of twitter, iOS 5 has a very interesting module to offer ... Once the account can be configured to share in this great social network from your web browser Safari, Photos, Youtube or Google Maps! You can even share the location of the device.
  • For all users who lose time to take a photo unforeseen iOS 5 brings a very simple plug and easy to use. When the device is locked, you can quickly access your camera without having to unlock it! How? Just a little button next to the bar release.
  • No more wires! With iOS 5 you can download the latest updates of the operating system from Apple or restore it directly from icloud. Later in another icloud more detailed articles.
  • Improved multitasking and added new shortcuts for iPad devices. What is multitasking? The ability to run multiple applications at once, so I can be playing a game while it syncs my contact list!
As the first release of IOS 5 we will come across that there will be updates, which we will discuss in subsequent articles.

martes, 7 de junio de 2011

Connect to a web service

Before explaining how to connect to a Web service using Cocoa, you have to understand what is Web Service.
A Web Service is a site that contains methods and functions that can be consumed by other applications or websites. And whukeeping my methods and functions in the web service when I can have them in my application or website?
Sometimes you need to maintain the methods and functions outside of our application, when you need several applications or sites, re-use the same methods and web service functions, and not replicated for each application.
There are two types of web services

SOA. - Are the services that use a base architecture of communication messages.
ROA. - Are the services that use resources (resources) and communication based architecture, which is an implementation of REST, using technologies like XML, JSON, XHTML, plists.
Now going to the point in question, let's see how you can connect to a type of Web Service REST ...

For HTTP you can perform the following orders:

1.     GET
2.     POST
3.     PUT
4.     DELETE
5.     HEAD

In this case we will make a GET request to the service, so we need to follow the following steps:

- Know the web service information such as your address URI, or the methods that we check, and their respective parameters
HTTP-Request Ordering
-Obtain and crumble the result

The result that we will get will be something like this:

  1. <results>
  2. <head>
  3. <name>Nicolas</name>
  4. <entity>2</entity>
  5. <date>Tues Jun 07 06 GMT 2011</date>
  6. <description>Example of response</description>
  7. <method>ObtenerInformacion</method>
  8. <lon>-73.993525</lon>
  9. <title>iPhone Example</title>
  10. <url>http://iphoneexample:7074/.....</url>
  11. </head>
  12. </results>

Since we know that we're going to find once you make the request to the web service, let's move to write code:

  1. / / We set the web service URI (Remember that the @ is always strings below)
  2. NSString *urlWebService = @"http://ejemploiphone:7074/...";
  4. / / Create an NSURL object with the web service
  5. NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:urlWebService];
  7. NSStringEncoding encoding;
  8. NSError *error;
  10. NSString *doc = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:urlUsedEncoding:&encoding error:&error];
  12. NSURLResponse *response;
  13. NSError *error;
  14. NSMutableURLRequest *urlRequest = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
  16. //Handle the request
  17. NSData *urlData = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:urlRequest returningResponse:&response error:&error];
  18. NSURLConnection *connection = [NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest:urlRequest delegate:self];